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Choosing The Right Color For My Walls

After we moved into our first home, we realized that the color that was on the walls had to go. Although we had initially thought that it was a beige color, the more we looked at it, the more we realized that it had heavy pink undertones. We decided to paint over the color, but we weren't sure how to get started. However, after working with a painter, we had a better idea of what would look nice. He was kind enough to paint a few large patches of color on the walls of our home, and it made a huge difference. This blog is all about working with a professional painter and choosing the right color for your home.


2 Creative Ways To Select An Interior Paint Color

2 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to changing the appearance of your home, adding a new coat of paint to your interior walls can be an affordable option. Choosing from the many paint colors available on the market today can be challenging, and you may find yourself putting off a paint-update because you can't seem to decide on a single color. Here are two creative methods that you can try to help you select an interior paint color with ease in the future. Read More …

Office Looking Old? 4 Steps To Prepare For A Fresh Coat Of Paint

24 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your office is starting to show its age, it might be time to give it a fresh coat of paint. New paint can improve the appearance of your office and increase the productivity of your employees, especially if you choose a neutral color such as gray. Studies show neutral colors promote productivity, while white promotes and sense of sterility, which can actually diminish productivity. Here are four steps you should take to get your office ready for a fresh coat of paint. Read More …

Use Paint To Surprise Your Teen With An Updated Bedroom

9 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As your child gets older, their personal tastes have likely begun to change--especially when it comes to clothing, hobbies, or their personal space. Whether it is your teen's birthday or you simply want to surprise them with a gift, it's a good idea to consider the kind of impact a fresh coat of paint can add to their bedroom.  Before getting started with painting by rushing off to a home improvement store or contacting a painting contractor for help, consider some of the following tips. Read More …

Ideas For Making Your Home’s Interior Paint Job More Unique

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you have been living in your home for a while, you may find yourself looking around the rooms in your house wishing that the walls looked more interesting and unique. While standard white or beige walls may serve as a nice, neutral backdrop for your possessions and decor, you may be looking for something that is more unique and interesting. After all, your walls do not have to just be a backdrop for your decor and style, they can be a major part of it as well. Read More …

The Psychology Of Paint Colors

20 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Many people believe a home's décor has an effect on the emotional well-being of you and your family. If you believe this theory, you should take a bit of extra time to consider the color pallet for each room of your home before you do your next interior painting project. It many cases, this theory has been proven with soft colors that do have an effect on the mood created. Here are a few tips to consider. Read More …