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Choosing The Right Color For My Walls

After we moved into our first home, we realized that the color that was on the walls had to go. Although we had initially thought that it was a beige color, the more we looked at it, the more we realized that it had heavy pink undertones. We decided to paint over the color, but we weren't sure how to get started. However, after working with a painter, we had a better idea of what would look nice. He was kind enough to paint a few large patches of color on the walls of our home, and it made a huge difference. This blog is all about working with a professional painter and choosing the right color for your home.


Tips To Help You On Your Next DIY Paint Job

22 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you own your home and the time comes that it needs to be repainted, it is important that you take the job seriously and either complete it yourself with the right techniques or you hire a professional painter to do it. A bad paint job on your home interior will end up costing you more to repair, especially if you get paint all over bathroom fixtures or the shower walls. Read More …

What To Know About Using Old Paint In Your House

3 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have had your house professionally painted in the past, chances are that your house painters left you with some spare cans of paint for you to use if you ever need to do touch-ups. If you can't remember the last time that you even touched that paint though, you may be wondering if it's still usable. Before you dip your paintbrush in the paint can, there are a few different things for you to know about using old paint in your house. Read More …

Three Types Of Exterior Painters And What They Will Do For You

9 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you think of exterior painters, there is a good chance that you are only thinking of professional painters that paint houses. While this is certainly an accurate picture, you should also consider a couple of other options for exterior painting. These other types of painters are just as capable of painting the exterior of any building or home, although their approaches are quite different. Here are three types of painters willing to paint the exterior of your home or building, and what they will do for you. Read More …

Cozy Coral: How To Use Its Welcoming Hues In Your Home

11 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Coral color is getting a lot of attention in home interior design, and for good reason. Coral warms up everything it touches, which makes it the paint color to go to if you want to bring a welcoming and cozy atmosphere to your living space. Coral is both calming and cheerful and will bring joy and optimism to any room of your home. Coral in the Kitchen If you want a color that will make every day feel like spring, look no future than coral when painting interior kitchen walls. Read More …

5 Benefits Of Freshening Up The Interior Of Your Warehouse

21 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Most business owners know the importance of keeping their retail and customer-facing offices attractive and updated. But what about your industrial or warehouse space? This vast and busy area can easily be overlooked when it comes to irregular maintenance tasks like painting and cleaning. But your business benefits from keeping up on both jobs. How? Here are five key ways. 1. Employee Morale Is Boosted. No one wants to work every day in a dingy and unkempt work environment. Read More …